The league meets once to draft their teams. See Draft section for more details.  After teams are drafted, each week the NFL plays games, you (the owner and GM) choose a starting lineup of your players, and then based on their performances that week, you score points. 

Each week you will play one other team in the league, and whichever of you scores more points, wins.
It’s pretty simple, and yet, rather complex if you want it to be.  Some owner’s just glance through the injured lists, make sure their guys are healthy, and then go with them.  Others take into account the Jaguar’s record in away games at night below 42° following a loss on turf to an NFC opponent. 

Various owners will tell you various things, some guys I know plan out all the matchups and situations and endlessly agonize over every single starter, others sit down on Sunday Morning and read the news real quick and hope they didn’t miss a bye week or an injury, and still others throw in their lineup on Tuesday and just hope for the best, they’ve all seen their share of successes, so I guess any theory could work.

You really can be as involved as you want to be, and the more involved you are in the league, the more fun it is for everyone. Stay involved, even if you get off to a slow start you can sneak into the playoffs and cause some damage or at the very least you can ruin someone else's season...

The Waffle league consists of 2 divisions.  Each division supports 5 teams.

  The league by definition is a yardage league, because points are awarded for more things than just touchdowns.  Every team will draft a bunch of players (see draft), and each week they pick a group of those players (see starting lineup) as their active players for that week.  Then, based on those player's actions (see scoring) they score points for their team.  Each week all 10 teams are active, and are paired off into one-on-one matchups (see schedule) with whichever of these teams scoring the most being declared the winner.  Win a lot of games and you’ll make the playoffs (see playoffs) and maybe take the Waffle Title. (see prizes).

 Fantasy Football Strategies to Consider:

If your new to Fantasy games, and Fantasy Football in particular, you will want to read this section, otherwise, only read this if Denise Austin's  beach workout is not on tv.

The Guessing Game:  See, each week, you will have to pick only a few of your players to
actually “start”, and this is where teams win and lose games.

You will likely have at least 2 Quarterbacks, and several Running Backs and Wide Receivers, but you can only start 1 QB, and 2 each of RB’s and WR’s (not counting the Utility spot, which is explained later).  So, if you have Kurt Warner, and you have Rich Gannon, you will need to decide which one you want to start…this is really a guess, because you might pick right, you might pick wrong.  They might both score about the same and it won’t matter…nothing is more frustrating than losing by a point or two when a guy on your bench had a 30+ point day, and few things are as infuriating as when the guy you do start comes up with a day worth about 1 point…so, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

What you want to do, at least, what a lot of people do, is to try to predict who will have the best days, for example, say you have RB Stephen Davis WAS, and the Redskins are playing the Bears, who have no run defense (this may or may not be an accurate scenario).  You’d want to start Davis, because chances are good he’s going to run all over the Bears.  On the other hand, there are some stud players you just start every week no matter what, so it’s all up to you, your style, and how much you like to rock the boat.

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