Any owner that expects to get anywhere in this league will be making some transactions.  It is very unlikely that your drafted team will look exactly like your team at the end of the season.  Outlined below are all the ways in which you may change the players on your team, and the additional fees associated.

Teams will never…ever…EVER…have more or less than 19 active players, under no circumstances, EVER, so please don’t ask, I mean, we let those owners go, so don’t try and beat the system, you get 19 active players, and that be it, no if, no and, no buts about it.

• Any team with MORE than 19 players on its roster as of the beginning of a week's games is declared to have an invalid roster, and will not be allowed to score points for the week, thus they get a 0.  This happened once, and it really sucked and cost us an owner in the league so please be mindful when you trade 2 players for 3 and such things that you get your roster down to 19 players before games start.  Teams with fewer than 19 players on their roster will be allowed to play, but will be called stupid by all other owners in the league.

Any team may trade any player or defense, to any other team in the league for any
amount of other players.  For example, you can trade 2 WR’s for 1 QB, or 1 RB and 1 D for a K.  Anything is cool, as long as both players agree to the trade, and it is properly submitted to the league office.

Note that there is no trade review process in the WAFFLE.  Owners are expected to use good judgment and fairness in making a trade, however by no means should the opinion of a division rival veto a trade.  We are big boys, criticism of trades is certainly allowed, but 9 times out of 10 there are unseen factors that make a trade look a whole lot different 4 weeks later, and the only people who need to accept that risk are the owner's in the trade.  There are two safeguards against unfair trading already in place.  The rule that states that players may not be traded back to a team that traded them for 4 weeks will prevent renting out of a quality backup to your buddies.  The trade deadline is the other safety valve to prevent fire sales at the end of the season, and before that time, if someone wants to toss their $75 away, then that's their problem.

Teams with less than 19 active players on their roster may then fill up their empty slots
during the waiver time on Friday, getting your team back to 19 players counts as 1 transaction even if you need to pick up 3 players to get to 19 again, so you still have the option of another move.

• If you have more than 19 players before your time to make cuts on Friday (due to trading) you must cut players to get down to 19 before you make any moves.  Cutting players to get down to 19 does not count as a waiver move for the week, so you may therefore release 3 players to get down to 19, make a free waiver move, and still have the $1 additional waiver option available.

• Any player traded away from your team may not be traded back to your team until 4 Sundays have passed since the trade took place.  This is to prevent "renting" your quality backup players out to a pal to use until you need them back.

• All trades are free.

• Note that there is no concept of IR in the league.  If you have a hurt player,
you will just have to suffer.  You can either cut him or just bench him and use your backups, which is what they are there for in the first place.  The roster size was expanded to accommodate a full complement of backups for every position.  Basically this change was made (by majority vote) to reward a player for thinking ahead and having quality backups, rather than reward a guy with a RB pickup because his backup TE is injured whom he never would have played anyhow.  Injuries are a bigger deal now, and therefore you should plan on having depth at all positions.

THE TRADING DEADLINE HAPPENS AT THE END OF WEEK 10, so the day before Week 11's first game, meaning that you can’t trade any more players after that point.

Standard waiver moves will be allowed
throughout the season and playoffs.


All trades must either be posted to the message board, called in, or emailed to the commissioner to be official.

If a game is played between 6AM Tuesday and 6 AM Sunday, any players in that game that are traded to a new team after the non-Sunday game may not be started for a game that was already played, so if a guy plays Thursday, the deal must be done before the game starts if the owner getting him wants to start him this week.

All trades cost $1 per owner/per trade regardless of how many players are traded.

ON FRIDAY of each week, every team will have an opportunity to make waiver moves.

A waiver move is where you pick up a player/defense not currently on another team, and add him to your roster.  In order to do this, you must cut a player from your team, thus making him available to be claimed by any other team in the league.


Waivers are handled in order of league rank for the season up to that week, so that teams that are doing the worst, will get the first choice of pickups during the week.

The waiver priority is reset weekly, so if you are in last for 5 weeks, you pick first for 5
weeks.  The waiver priority is virtually the same as the playoff tiebreaker criteria.

You may make up to 2 waiver moves a week, both are free.

The order of who gets to pick first on Friday Waiver night is determined by the following
criteria, for a tie, proceed to the next level of criteria.
1. The team with the worst record in the league (W/L pct.) picks first.
2. The team with the most division losses picks first.
3. The team with the lowest season-to-date point total picks first.
4. The team that drafted later (10th is latest) picks first.

So, pretty much, every team will get their turn on Friday to make any moves they want to make, should you miss your turn, you will have to deal with it if the guy you wanted goes, or whatever, you will be allowed to make moves up to Sunday noon should you get an itchy trigger finger, and decide to go ahead with something, but generally this is frowned upon, and if at all possible get the move in as early as you can so I can get rosters updated etc.  Its somewhat bush league to pick up a guy by emailing the league office at 11:30 on Sunday morning, but for technical purposes, it is legal.  It will probably piss your opponent off some, but that's really your problem, not mine.

or 60 minutes before the start of a non-Sunday game:

alterations of any kind may be made until the games have finished.

Every week you wish to make a transaction, you must report it to the league office.

What will happen is this, every team will be assigned a deadline time, for example
7:00 PM, and they have until then to submit their moves.  An example move would look like this

Yo Commish,
 I would like to make the following moves, please process these transactions when it is my
turn, feel free to call or find me online if there is a problem.

 CUT :      WR NYG Marty Wettenbottom
 PICK UP: TE BAL Robby Reacharound

If this owner had wanted to make a second move by dropping another player and picking up another free agent, they are free to do so, at no cost.  You may not make more than 2 waiver moves in one week.

At the draft lottery, 3 owners will be chosen to be on the League Dispute Review board, along with 2 alternates.  In the event there is a dispute not covered by these rules, the dispute committee will be contacted and asked to rule on the matter.  If one of the members of the dispute committee are involved in the dispute, then the first alternate will be used in their place.  If 2 members of the dispute committee are involved in the dispute, then both alternates are used.  If all 3 or more members are involved then the dispute will be opened to a league vote on the matter.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.