The playoffs are structured so that 60% of the teams in the league make the playoffs…I’m a purist, but, what can you do?

Note the elimination of the prizes for toilet bowl contests, owners not making the playoffs are encouraged to set their own stakes for pickup games throughout the playoffs.

After the conclusion of all games in Week 13, the playoff teams will be officially determined.  6 Teams make the playoffs, the other 4, are damned to Toilet Bowl status…

When determining which team makes the playoffs and which team does not, consult the following list of criteria in priority order.

• Overall Won Loss Record (determined by W/L Percentage, note that a tie counts as half a win (.5).
• Divisional Won Loss Record (determined by W/L Percentage, note that a tie counts as half a win (.5).
• Head – to – Head Won Loss Record
• Total Points Scored throughout the season
• Total Points Scored in Head to Head Games
• The Owners involved in a tie that gets this far must come to some mutual agreement as to how the tie will be broken (coin flip, Russian roulette, whatever), with the winner of their decision being declared the winner of the tie.

The playoff brackets look like this:

Best Record of Division I
2nd place Div I.      ____________________
3rd place Div I.
2nd place Div II.     ____________________
3rd place Div II.
Best Record of Division II

                                         WEEK 14                        Week 15                 Week 16

*Division Winners each get a bye, and do not compete in the Wildcard round

Tiebreaker players – For all postseason games, each owner will select a tiebreaker player in addition to their starting lineup.  The tiebreaker player’s score will not count for anything unless both teams 9 starters end up tied at the end of the week’s games.  A tiebreaker player may be any position player (QB, RB, WR, TE, or K), a tiebreaker player may not be a defense.  Teams failing to start a tiebreaker player will receive a 0 as a tiebreaker player score (so don’t forget).

The following rules are used to break a tie in a postseason game, if still tied, proceed to the next criterion:

1. The team with the tiebreaker player that scored the most points is the winner.
2. The team that scored the most total team touchdowns (not counting tiebreaker player) is the winner.
3. The team who has the single highest scoring player (even a defense) is the winner.
4. The team who has the second highest scoring player (even a defense) is the winner, continuing down until one team has a player with a high score that the other team cannot match.  It will never ever come to this…God willing.
5. The two owner’s involved in this unholy tie must mutually agree to some arrangement, which may include splitting of prize money and an official declaration as a “draw game.”  If the winner of this game would have advanced to play in the next week, the two owner’s must both agree on a way to determine which of their teams will advance to play in the next game.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.